Wanna get to know us better?

Here are some media links with different interviews - in case you haven’t had enough of us yet!

Interview by Adrienne Miller from These Reveries

Interview by Manisha Snoyer at the Modulo Podcast

Interview by Amy-Lou at The School Free Life

How deep is your deschooling?
Interview by Fran Liberatore (@bigmothering)

How to end power struggles and build connection with kids

The Future of Parenting Summit:
The importance of trust and centering relationship with our kids

Interview by Dan Moeller
at Mosaic

Interview by Lucy Aitkenread

Summerhill Festival:
What are equitable relationships?

Interview on
The Unschool Files

Interview on
The Unschool Space

Summerhill Festival:
¿Qué son las relaciones equitativas?