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Want to host The Shift?

At Radical Learning we believe learning happens through relationships. In a world where the greatest disease is disconnect from self and others - it’s definitely not that easy. At The Shift we challenge outdated systems and show you HOW it's done!

We have crafted a unique 7-day program that fosters connection, builds community, and centers consent, where participants transform how they think about, communicate with and relate to others - kids and adults alike.

Wanna host The Shift in your community?

Our mission

At Radical Learning™ we believe that relationships are the context in which learning takes place. Through authentic connection adults have an opportunity to cultivate deep learning in kids.

By challenging outdated views of learning and relating focused on outcome and production, and instead embracing new tools based on connection, communication and consent, we empower parents and educators to support the learning, autonomy and agency in young people. This is how we humanize the approach to learning!

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